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时间:11-16 来源:休闲娱乐 访问次数:287


近日,有网友发现“abandon”在《牛津平装本同义词库》不是第一个单词了,第一个单词变成了“aback”,不少网友直呼:“我的青春结束了!”“aback”意为“向后;向后地”,不少网友调侃道:“一个放弃,一个后退,果然英文学习不适合我!”为啥词典开头总是“abandon”?世界上第一本英语词典于1604年由罗伯特·考得里(Robert Cawdrey) 编撰而成,起名为“字母顺序单词表”,到今天仅存世一本。打开看到第一个单词,是“abandon”。图源:sputnitsa.wordpress.com“abandon”解释为“放弃;中止”,于是大家纷纷自嘲:这哪里是词汇书,明明就是预言书!我懂了,叫我们一开始就学会放弃,世上无难事,只要肯“abandon”。言归正传,词典编撰者可没有让大家放弃的想法,“abandon”排在第一位,除了延续传统,也是出于按照单词的组成字母顺序来排列的考虑。“abandon”此词在十四世纪末期产生,其来源是拉丁语中的“ad”,意为“处于”和“bannum”,意为“ 宣告、命令、禁止”,组合在一起演变成法语中的“abandonner”,最后才成为我们今天看到的“abandon”。“abandon”还有什么含义?事实上,“abandon”并不止“放弃”那么简单,让我们一起来看看它的意思和用法吧!01抛弃、离弃、遗弃Transitive verbIf you abandon a place, thing, or person, you leave the place, thing, or person permanently or for a long time, especially when you should not do so.例句:The 9-year-old boy was abandoned by his alcoholic father.那个9岁的男孩被他嗜酒成性的父亲遗弃了。02中途放弃Transitive verbIf you abandon an activity or piece of work, you stop doing it before it is finished.例句:They abandoned all hope of capturing the castle.他们放弃了夺取这座城堡的一切希望。03放弃 (想法或思想方式)Transitive verbIf you abandon an idea or way of thinking, you stop having that idea or thinking in that way.例句:Rescuers abandoned all hope of finding any more survivors of the crash.援救人员完全放弃了会再找到坠机生还者的希望。04陷入,沉湎于(某种情感)Transitive verbIf you abandon yourself to some kind of emotion, you feel an emotion so strongly that you can feel nothing else.例句:He abandoned himself to despair.他陷入绝望。05放纵Uncountable nounIf you say that someone does something with abandon, you mean that they behave in a wild, uncontrolled way and do not think or care about how they should behave.例句:He approached life with reckless abandon—I don't think he himself knew what he was going to do next.他以不计后果的放纵态度对待生活——我想他自己都不知道他接下来要做什么。当词典的第一个单词不再是“abandon”,你还会有学习英语“困难症”吗?编辑:左卓见习编辑:李涵萌来源:外研社火遍街头的酸奶大麻花金黄酥脆 奶香四溢蓬松暄软 口口爆浆


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